Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trees en Route

My immune system is still hanging on by a thread.The white counts are the same as last week, but my neutrophils increased by two tenths, which is good. My HGB and HTC are a little lower than last week, but still on the low end of normal. 

Laurie made a really good Filet of Beef with Blue Cheese and Rosemary sauce for dinner. The sauce was supposed to have pine nuts, but there is a pine nut blight in New Mexico, and I couldn't bring myself to pay $30/pound for Chinese pine nuts, so I opted out of the pine nuts. Fortunately there weren't any TSA agents lurking around, so I got out of the store unmolested.

For as much as TSA gets maligned, I read they get some real doozies. One of the best, I thought, was a family that put a dead relative in a wheelchair and tried to get him through security so they wouldn't have to pay extra to ship the body. Speaking of corpses, Garden Design magazine is getting a little friskier in it's new design. There is an interview with a corpse flower named Lois on their website. Lois is an Amorphophallus titanium, native to the rain forests of Indonesia, that lives in the Houston Museum of Natural Science.  These "giant misshapen penis" flowers give off a foul order which gives them the nick name of "corpse flower."  Apparently, Lois has her own twitter and a "rabid" following, so Garden Design interviewed her.  From the photo, Lois does have an impressive amorphophallus.

I took the photos today on the way home crawling along in traffic and one from the parking lot when I stopped to look for pine nuts. There always seems to be something of interest to photograph — if not, at least it helps pass the time sitting in traffic when I'm looking for photo opportunities, instead of getting worked up about being stuck in traffic.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your immune system is holding.
    The dinner sounds great.
    I had read about Lois a while back - weird plant. The world is full of interesting things!
