Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter Sunflower

I worked at the office for a couple hours after I got my infusion and injection this morning. I wandered around the yard this afternoon, was greeted by the neighbor's horses, played with Puck, started up the truck and let it run for awhile, photographed some odds and ends, then retreated back inside. I was really temped to take a walk in the bosque, but I'm supposed to stay out of the sun while on antibiotics, and, since I'm still not feeling particularly perky, I decided not to push it. I thought the sunset was disappointing tonight given all the clouds in the sky. My sore throat is almost gone, but I'm still really sniffly. I do seem to be getting a little better every day.


  1. One day at a time - I know it seems slow, but you *are* making progress.
    I was also disappointed in tonight's sunset. It was one of those that teased all day, and then just did not show. I made sure the battery was charged, the lens was clean, etc. Oh, well...when it comes to skies, we have precious little to complain about here. :-)
