Monday, January 24, 2011

Dusk from Paseo del Norte

I woke up with a very sore throat this morning. Inspecting the inside of my mouth, I could see several canker sores above the tonsils on each side of my throat. I called a nurse at the Cancer Center, and she moved my port flush and blood work to this morning, then I saw a PA. As I suspected, I don't have much of an immune system again. My white counts were 1.5 and the neutrophils where so low the lab tech had to count them by hand, but the tech wasn't finished by the time I left. The numbers were worse today than they were on December 28th. The PA ordered another Nuprogen shot (forces my bones to make more white and red blood cells very quickly), and prescribed a gooey, nasty mouth wash that I need to gargle with 3 times daily to aid healing of the sores and numb my throat, so I can swallow with less pain.  I have to go back in tomorrow morning from more blood work and another Nuprogen shot. They will also have the results of the throat culture tomorrow. The PA doesn't think I have strep, but she said "you never know!"

One of the servers at the office has a drive failing, so we had to move our web-based office automation program to another server. I was testing it tonight and there are a few script errors I need track down tomorrow.  The server now hosting it has an OS three generations newer than the old server and the database is one generation higher than the old, so some of the script errors may be differences in configurations.

Between chasing down problems on the server, going to the Cancer Center, and moving office automation to a new host, I didn't have time to take any photos until driving home. I got a photo from Martin Luther King Blvd. on my way the UNM to pickup Laurie, and then a few shots when we were on Paseo del Norte on the way to an office supply store to pick up school supplies for Laurie and Walmart to get pseudoephedrine to help with congestion and keep post nasal drip in check. The various prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs the PA is having me take are working fairly well reducing the soreness of my throat.

1 comment:

  1. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

    You can access info online @
